by Ed Delgado
Every once in a while in vintage Rolex watches, there are some things that are different and somewhat hard to explain. But this is in part what makes collecting vintage Rolex fun. The discovery and learning.
Rescently a PPDRSD (patent pending Double Red Sea Dweller) was presented to me and it has all the configurations of a correct PPDRSD.
The serial is within the range 2.11 million. The case and caseback has all the characteristics. The dial appears to be a correct Mark 1 dial at a glance and it has all the characteristics.
1. The coronet is correct
2. The lettering is correct
3. The print has all the mistakes of correct Mark 1 dials.
But the red and white paint is slightly off… NEVER seen this variation before.
IMO the dial and watch are correct. But, I cant explain the missaligment of the red and white lettering.
Here is the close up of the lettering of the VARIATION DIAL (photos by KY)

Below is a usual PPDRSD Mark 1 Dial Close up

Here are both images and both the RED LETTERING is perfectly superimpossed..You can clearly see the “shift” of the white lettering. (Yes, the photos are at slightly different angles and focus so its not a perfect match but I think this illustrates the issue)

Now the rest of the watch. A 2.11 mil PPDRSD